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The Heating System of a building is a neuralgic sector for the proper operation and comfort of its residents / users.

Heating System

The Heating System is used to generate thermal energy and distribute it within the premises of a building.

Analyzing Heating Systems consists of:

σύστημα θέρμανσης-κλιματισμού σε οικία

a. thermal energy production unit
b. heat distribution equipment and pipelines,
c. the heat transfer system within the premises of the building and 
d. the control system

"For example, in a conventional boiler room installation, the boiler burner system with its chimney is the unit of thermal energy production. The circulator and the piping network are the distribution equipment, while the radiators are the heat transfer system within the premises of the building. The control system in this case is the room thermostat of the installation."

The main & most common Thermal Energy Production Systems are:

a. Heat pumps for heating / cooling (for more information see the Heat Pumps page)
b. Gas or Natural Gas Boilers (for more information see the Wall - hung Gas Boilers page)
c. Oil boilers (for more information see the page Oil Boilers)
d. Solar Thermal Systems (for more information see the Solar Heating page & the Solar Heating Systems page)
e. Energy - Hydraulic Fireplace / Biomass Boilers

Hybrid Systems combine more than one Thermal Energy Production Unit (see more for Hybrid Systems)

While the usual Heat Transmission Systems are

a. Radiators 
b. Fan Coil units for heating / cooling (for more information see the Fan Coil page)
c. Underfloor heating & cooling systems (for more information see the Floor Heating page)

In addition to the above central heating & air conditioning systems, there are also autonomous systems, such as classic air conditioners (for more information see the pages Air Conditioning Systems & Air Conditioners)

All of the above product categories and technologies are currently available to end consumers and can offer thermal comfort and significant energy savings.

But it is very important to understand that comparisons between technologies are not testable, as they have all been developed to offer solutions. There are no "good" and "bad" technologies but technologies that target different applications. So always the selection criterion, regardless of which fuel is more expensive or cheaper at a given time, should be which technology is best suited for that particular application and has the lowest possible operating costs.

Hydraulic network

The hydraulic network of a building consists of pipes, valves, collectors, pressure reducer, safety valves, hydraulic balancing valves, hot water boilers and other hydraulic components, which are used to supply water inside the building.

The hydraulic network also includes systems for water quality and hygiene, such as filters and water softeners.

ANDRIANOS has a full range of hydraulic components and products with retail & wholesale distribution. Contact the sales department for more information.


Circulators are basic equipment for the smooth distribution of heat generated in the heat transfer system within the premises of the building.

The function of the circulator is to transfer the domestic hot water produced from and to the heating boiler through the pipes to the heating medium of the installation (radiators or Fan Coil units or underfloor heating).

Wilo Stratos Smart Circulators

ANDRIANOS has pumps from the leading Wilo, which using the most modern know-how and practice provides high quality, safe and environmentally friendly products contributing to the maximum in the field of energy saving.

Recently released the world's first smart pump, which thanks to its intelligent operation, ensures maximum system efficiency as it has the Dynamic Adapt plus adjustment type where it offers continuous (dynamic) flow rate adjustment based on real need.

Wilo-Stratos MAXO can be integrated into all Cooling - Heating systems offering optimized and innovative energy saving features, which meet the requirements for greater efficiency and ease of installation and interconnection. In addition, there is the possibility for remote monitoring and configuration via internet.

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Heating Products - Air Conditioning & Water Supply

Since 1994, ANDRIANOS has provided modern solutions for thermal comfort and building energy savings in homes and businesses. Specifically, it takes care of the ideal temperature in each room at all times, for the uninterrupted supply of Domestic Hot Water, for the healthy atmosphere and for the complete control of all the above.

It designs and markets the leading solar heating systems with the brand name "ANDRIANOS - World Leading Solar Thermal Technologies" for heating and hot water production and cooperates with leading companies, such as the Italian ARISTON with heat pumps, ARISTON & CHAFFOTEAUX electric water heaters and wall-hunged gas boilers. It also has the top CARRIER & TOSHIBA Heat Pumps,modern ventilation systems with Assolo heat recovery and for central and remote control, SALUS Smart House systems.

ANDRIANOS is the leading supplier of products and solutions both in the simple cases of a central heating and air conditioning, and in the most demanding and modern systems that to implement the latest technology and know-how of ANDRIANOS, to create cooling and heating systems for every requirement, from the smallest to the largest building in the area.

It has modern products based on aesthetics, energy savings and low emissions. ANDRIANOS is certified by TUV AUSTRIA with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. The name ANDRIANOS is synonymous with quality and energy saving in heating and air conditioning.

Contact the experienced engineers of ANDRIANOS to receive the optimal Heating and Air Conditioning solution

 Dealerships - Products for Heating - Air Conditioning - Water Supply

ariston thermo group logo

Condensing gas boilers, gas water heaters, electric water heatershybrid heating systems, heat pumps, ARISTON Italy

ηλεκτρικός θερμοσίφωνας ARISTON

ANDRIANOS is official wholesale distributor of products of ARISTON Italy.

chaffoteaux logo


Condensing gas boilers, gas water heaters & hybrid heating systems, CHAFFOTEAUX France.

λέβητας συμπύκνωσης CHAFFOTEAUX

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of CHAFFOTEAUX France.

Carrier logo

Representative CARRIER: Heat Pumps, Fan Coils, Air Conditioners, Semi-Centrifugal & VRF Multipurpose, CARRIER.

Αντλίες θερμότητας carrier

ANDRIANOS is master dealer of products of CARRIER

Toshiba Logo

Heat & Cool Pumps, Air Conditioners, Semi-Centrifugal & VRF Multipurpose, TOSHIBA.

Αντλίες θερμότητας toshiba

ANDRIANOS is master dealer of products of TOSHIBA.

Salus logo

Space Thermostats, Smart Home Systems, Hydrostats, Compensation Systems etc., SALUS Great Britain.


ANDRIANOS is exclusive representative of products of SALUS Great Britain.

Convesa logo

Stainless steel and copper chimneys CONVESA Spain. With insulation or not

convesa kaminades

ANDRIANOS is exclusive representative of products of CONVESA Spain:

IVR logo

Global water valves, switches, boiler room items, radiators and three-way solenoid valves, collectors - collectors for underfloor heating, IVR Italy.

ivr vanes aeriou

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of IVR Italy.

ARCO logo

Spherical water valves and corner bathroom faucets, ARCO Spain.

arco sfairikes vanes nerou

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of ARCO Spain.

ceme new logo

Electromagnetic water valves CEME Italy.

ceme valvides ilektromagnitikes photo

ANDRIANOS is official wholesale distributor of products of CEME Italy.

caem new logo

 Room thermostats, programmable thermostats and immersion thermostats, CAEM Italy 

Θερμοστάτες χώρου, θερμοστάτες επαφής και εμβαπτιζόμενοι θερμοστάτες

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of CAEM Italy.

Watts logo

Manometers, thermometers safety valves, automatic filling, automatic network ventilation etc. boiler room items, Watts Italy.

 Μανόμετρα, θερμόμετρα βαλβίδες ασφαλέιας, αυτόματοι πλήρωσης, αυτόματα εξαεριστικά δικτύου κλπ είδη λεβητοστασίου

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of Watts Italy.

Taconova logo

Check Valves, Thermostatic Valves, TACONOVA Switzerland.

Ρυθμιστικές Βαλβίδες, Θερμοστατικές Βαλβίδες

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of TACONOVA Switzerland.

Taconova logo

Circulators Wilo Germany.

wilo56735 3 small

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of Wilo Germany.

Reflex logo

Inertia Boilers, Expansion Boilers & Heat Alternators, Reflex Germany.

Δοχεία Αδρανείας, Δοχεία Διαστολής, Πλακοειδείς εναλλάκτες θερμότητας

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of Reflex Germany.

Rehau logo

Σωλήνες Ύδρευσης Αποχέτευσης, Θέρμανσης και συστήματα Ενδοδαπέδιας θέρμανσης, REHAU Γερμανίας.

Sewage, Heating Pipes and Underfloor Heating Systems, REHAU Germany.

Σωλήνες Ύδρευσης Αποχέτευσης, Θέρμανσης και σύστηματα Ενδοδαπέδιας θέρμανσης

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of REHAU Germany.

riello logo

Gas & Oil Burners, Riello Germany.

 Καυστήρες Αερίου και Πετρελαίου

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of Riello Germany.

Vasco logo

Decorative Radiators VASCO Belgium.

Αντιπρόσωπος VASCO Βελγίου: Διακοσμητικά και σωληνωτά σώματα

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of VASCO Belgium.

Fujitsu logo

Split type air conditioning equipment. Central air-conditioners & VRV Air Conditioners, FUJITSU Japan.

Κλιματιστικά μηχανήματα

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of FUJITSU Japan.

Midea logo

Split air conditioners, Semi-Central Air Conditioning Machines & VRV Air Conditioners Fan Coil, Refrigerators &Heat Pumps, MIDEA China. 

midea ph

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of MIDEA China.

Daikin logo

Split type air conditioners, Semi-Central Air Conditioners & VRV Air Conditioners Fac Coil, Coolers & Heat Pumps, DAIKIN Japan

Κλιματιστικά μηχανήματα

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of DAIKIN Japan.

S&P logo

Ventilating Fans S&P Spain.

Ανεμιστήρες Εξαερισμού

ANDRIANOS is representative of products of S&P Spain.

Contact ANDRIANOS for information on Heating and Air Conditioning products


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Basic Info

ANDRIANOS - World Leading Energy Saving Technologies

Platonos 30, Kalamata 241 00

+30 2721 023124
+30 2721 088151

Fax: 2721 096522


Working hours

Monday         8AM–5PM
Tuesday         8AM–5PM
Wednesday   8AM–5PM
Thursday       8AM–5PM
Friday             8AM–5PM
Saturday        Closed
Sunday           Closed

(Time Zone: GMT+3)


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