Gaseous fuels, liquefied petroleum gas (lpg) & natural gas are one of the most reliable energy solutions, thanks to their ease of use, and they find applications in the domestic as well as professional and industrial sectors.
For the safe operation of a gas, domestic or industrial network, the appropriate safety devices are required, which are described in detail in Greek Government Gazette 1257b / 2003 "Technical Regulations of LPG Installations in Buildings" and in Government Gazette 963 "Regulation of internal natural gas installations up to 1 bar ".
In order to increase the Safety Factor of the gas installation, it is often necessary to use Gas Leak Detectors and Gas Electromagnetic Valves (although in most cases their use is not mandatory by technical legislation). When a gas leak occurs, the detector signals to the electrmagnetic valve so that the gas supply is interrupted in the leaked space.
Technical Legislation on Gas Leak Detectors
As described in Government Gazette 1257b / 2003 "Technical Regulation of LPG Installations in Buildings" (Greek Languange only) it is mandatory to install a gas leak detection system:
For the installation of propane bottles in internal business premises, according to EN 50244. (§ Government Gazette 1257b)
If the installation site or the boiler room is in the basement. (§ Government Gazette 1257b)
This leakage detection system will give an audible signal (alarm) and through a suitable arrangement (gas electromagnetic valve) the gas flow will be interrupted in the spaces detected by the leakage.
For the natural gas networks the relevant legislation concerns the Government Gazette 976B Technical Regulation of internal gas installations with a working pressure up to 500mbar (Greek Languange only) and Government Gazette 963 "Regulation of internal gas installations with a working pressure up to 1 bar" (Greek Languange only) which provides in § additional security measures with the installation of a suitable gas detection system or an automatic leakproofness control device.
However, because LPG and natural gas are explosive and toxic gases it is recommended to use Detection System and Electromagnetic Valve in all installations.
Typical gas grid layout. (Marked the Gas Detector and Electromagnetic Valve positions)
LPG & Natural Gas Detectors
The gas detector is the device that detects the presence of explosive and toxic gases in the space and gives the appropriate alert signal in a timely manner with acoustic or other means and at the same time activates the electromagnetic gas valve which interrupts the supply of gas to the leaked areas.
In particular, the LPG Detector contains a sensor made specifically to detect propane and butane (which of consists the LPG).
While Natural Gas Detectors contain a sensor designed specifically to detect methane (the main component of natural gas).
Gas Detector Types
There are 3 basic categories of gas detectors:
- Domestic Gas Detectors - with IP42 sealing index. According to EN50244 / EN50194. Suitable for domestic and small gas networks
- Gas Detectors for Boiler Rooms and Commercial Applications - with IP54 sealing index. According to EN50054, EN50057. Suitable for applications in boiler rooms of LPG networks and commercial-craft applications
- Industrial Gas Detectors - IP65 sealing index. According to EN60065, EN50081-1, EN50082-2. Heavy-duty gas detectors suitable for industrial installations
Electromagnetic Gas Valves
Electromagnetic Gas Valves are devices responsible for interrupting gas supply when leakage of explosive and toxic gases into space is detected through the Gas Detector.
Types and Functions of Electromagnetic Valves
Important features in the operation of Electromagnetic Gas Valves are:
- Operating Voltage: 12V or 24V DC / 230V AC
Describes the required electrical voltage for the operation of the Electromagnetic Valve with DC (DC) or AC (AC).
- Reset type: Manual or Auto
It concerns whether the resetting of the gas supply after the shutdown is done manually or automatically when the leak is eliminated.
- Default Setting - Initial Status: Normally Open or Normally Closed
t refers to the state in which the valve is in standby mode.
In Normally Open Electromagnetic Valves, the valve remains open until an electrical signal is received from the detector to interrupt the flow.
In Normally Closed Electromagnetic Valves, the valve is closed as long as there is an electrical signal while it opens the flow when the electrical signal is interrupted.
- Connection type: Screwed or Flanged
Describes how the electromagnetic valve is connected to the gas network piping. For dimensions from 1/2 "to 2" the electromagnetic valves are available with screw connections, and over 2 "are available with flanged connections
Since 1994, ANDRIANOS, based on modern perception, knowledge and infrastructure, has signaled the expansion of LPG in Greece.
It represents exclusively in Greece and Cyprus the Italian company Tecnocontrol, which is considered a market leader in the global market of detectors and electromagnetic valves for lpg and natural gas.
Gas Detectors & Electromagnetic Gas Valves by ANDRIANOS
Domestic Gas Detectors - IP42 Safety Coefficient
SE230K central gas detector, IP 42, for normally open or normally closed electromagnetics, receives input 230Vac or 12Vdc and generates an output signal corresponding, up to 100 parallel to each other, according to EN 50194, EN50244, capable of connecting to a backup power unit P5 .
Independent catalytic gas detector (SE648K) IP 42, with audible and visual signal without the ability of parallel connection with other detectors, receives input 230Vac and produces 12Vdc signal (no transformer required) suitable for 12Vd 12Vdc electromagnetic, normally open only, according to EN 50194 , EN50244.

SISMAGAS detector has been designed and made in compliance with European standars to detect explosive gases (accordind to ΕΝ50194-1 the gas detection sensor and according to the ACSE 25-97 the seismic sensor). A built-in microprocessor provides complete detection and control functionality and makes this device particularly suitable for domestic use.
Gas Detectors for Boiler Rooms and Commercial Applications - IP54. and IP44. According to EN50054, EN50057.
SE126K control unit with integrated sensor ΙΡ44, 230 Vac, designed according to ΕΝ 50054, ΕΝ50057.
Control unit with graphic backlit display SE293K for 3 zones / SE294K for 4 zones, IP65, power supply: 230 Vac or 12 Vdc, designed according to ΕΝ 50054- ΕΝ50057,gas detected: LPG, NG. Suitable for use with:SI653K, SE183K
Panel with screen for catalytic sensors,IP65 input 230 Vacand outputaccording to ΕΝ 60529, ΕΝ 50270, EN 61000-6-1, EN 50271, EN 50545-1, suitable forLPG, NG. Compatible with sensors:SI653PG/PM, ΤS282K ,TS282PTecnocontrolItaly
Industrial Gas Detectors - IP65. According to EN60065, EN50081-1, EN50082-2.
Teconcontrol Gas detector SE235 with relay, that warms with an optical and acoustic signal, the presence of gas in the environment. Grade of protection:IP65, power supply: 230Vac, 50/60Hz-4,6VA
Flammable Gas Detector SI653K with output 4÷20mA , ΙΡ65.
Catalytic sensors TS282KG/KM for LPG/NG 0÷20% LEL, 12÷24 Vdc / 2W, output 4÷20mA ΙΡ65, CE, tested & certified one by one, 12 months warranty, easily calibrated and replaced without having to replace the entire detector.
Gas detector SE183K-ATEX, aluminum case, gas detected: LPG, Natural Gas, 12 ÷ 24 Vdc, output: 4-20MA, II2G EX D IIC T5 GB, CESI 13 ATEX 030X.
Contact ANDRIANOS to find out about Gas Detectors
LPG and Natural Gas Electromagnetic Valves
Electromagnetic valves, brass, manual reset normal open, 500mbar, 12Vdc / 230Vac, IP 65
Electromagnetic valves, brass, manual reset normally open, 6 bar, 12Vdc / 230Vac, IP 65
Aluminum electromagnetic valves, manual flame return, normally open, 500mbar, 12Vdc / 230Vac, IP 65.
Aluminum electromagnetic valves, manual flame retarder, normally closed, 500mbar, 12Vdc / 230Vac, IP 65, according to EN 16
Electromagnetic valves, brass, manual reset normally closed, 500mbar, 12Vdc / 230Vac, IP 65
Electromagnetic valves, brass, manual reset normally closed, 6 bar, 12Vdc / 230Vac, IP 65
Anti-Explosion-proof Electromagnetic valves, brass, Manual Reset Normally Open 10 bar, 230 Vac EEx - d IIB T6 IP67 T85 ° C
Anti-Explosion-proof Electromagnetic valves, brass, Manual Reset Normally Closed 10 bar, 230 Vac EEx - d IIB T6 IP67 T85 ° C
Contact ANDRIANOS to find out about Electromagnetic Gas Valves