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The LPG pressure regulator is a device that adjusts the gas pressure to a constant value in the part of the piping installation that follows. A synonymous term used in the market is the term Pressure Reducer.

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Pressure regulators are distinguished in:

  • Fist stage Pressure Regulator: Is the pressure regulator with inlet pressure from the LPG tank, bottle or bottle bank.
  • Second stage pressure regulator: Reduces the outlet pressure from the 1st stage pressure regulator to a lower pressure, which is usually the required operating pressure of the gas appliances.

The function of the LPG Pressure Regulator:


Technical Legislation on Pressure Regulators

As described in §7.9 of Government Gazette 1257b / 2003 "Technical Regulation of LPG Installations in Buildings" (Greek Language only) for pressure regulation for installations fired by LPG tanks, the pressure setting stages (two steps) are clearly defined, namely:

  • The output pressure of the 1st stage regulator must be 0.7 bar (and in some special cases up to 1.8 bar), and that the pressure of the 2nd stage pressure regulator is up to 50mbar (§ 7.9.2).
  • Legislation obliges the use of pressure-regulating devices that have safety devices that prevent an unacceptable rise in output pressure after the pressure regulator. (Section

LPG Safety Devices

A safety device in a gas system with pressure regulators shall be:

  • Either an automatic shut-off valve (SAV) installed on the pressure regulator input side, where in case of actuation, it returns with a manual reset. (Section
  • Either a pressure monitor installed at the pressure regulator outlet.

The automatic stop valve function:



The automatic shut-off valve (SAV) as described in § and § of Government Gazette 1257b / 2003 should usually be set to 1bar (for 1st stage) and 100 mbar (for P.R. 2nd Stage).


Additional and optional insurance device

An automatic relief valve (SBV) installed on the pressure regulator output side can be used.

The automatic relief valve (SBV) function:


With the quality of ANDRIANOS and GOK

Since 1994, ANDRIANOS, based on modern perception, knowledge and infrastructure, has signaled the proliferation of LPG in Greece and represents exclusively in Greece and Cyprus the GOK company, which is considered a market leader in the European LPG and natural gas market.


Contact Andrianos to find out about GOK LPG Pressure Regulators




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ANDRIANOS - World Leading Energy Saving Technologies

Platonos 30, Kalamata 241 00

+30 2721 023124
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Fax: 2721 096522


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Monday         8AM–5PM
Tuesday         8AM–5PM
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Thursday       8AM–5PM
Friday             8AM–5PM
Saturday        Closed
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