| +30 27210 23124
30 years andrianos tiny

This year's exhibition XENIA was marked by the arrival of thousands of hospitality professionals, with the first data showing that the final count will show a new visitor record that will exceed 40,000. ANDRIANOS, as a pioneer in modern Thermal Energy production technologies and with years of experience in the specific requirements of hotel facilities, presented 6 different Energy Saving Solutions for Tourism Businesses, without compromising the standard of Thermal Comfort of users.

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The booth of ANDRIANOS at XENIA 2019 exhibition

The operators who visited the booth of ANDRIANOS had the advantage of geting in touch with all developments and innovations in Energy Solutions for Hot Water Production, Cooling & Heating, including its efficient and intelligent management with the Smart Hotel system of Salus. They were also able to monitor energy performance and all operating parameters of ANDRIANOS hotel projects in real-time.

Solar Thermal Energy Saving Systems

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Solar Thermal Systems in TOP 10 Worldwide in Efficiency of Solar Collectors 

Hoteliers have shown a specific interest in innovative High Performance Solar Thermal Systems which perfect record in the field of  hotels, where energy requirements are high. Solar Collectors AND-solar PREMIUM & PREMIUM PLUS, manufactured and distributed in the Greek & international market and classified in the TOP 10 world-wide, with the highest energy saving rates (EPS).

Efficient Production of Hot Water, Cooling & Heating

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Right: Heat Pumps, Fan Coil and Air Conditioners of CARRIER & TOSHIBA - Left: Heat Pumps, Electric Water Heaters and Wall-hung Gas Boilers ARISTON

Understanding the real needs of hotel professionals for Production of Hot Water, Cooling & Heating at the lowest possible cost, we presented a complete product package with Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps of the leading CARRIER & TOSHIBA.

Also presented the integrated solutions for heating & cooling of ARISTON, with Heat Pumps, Electric Water Heaters as well as Hot Water Heat Pumps with built-in storage tanks, all with the quality of world-class specialist in water heating and heating products.

Safety & Quality in Gas Systems

Once again LPG and Natural Gas networks of ANDRIANOS concentrate the warm interest of the large majority of visitors, with the certified Italian LPG StorageTanks of RCS and Wall-hung Gas Boilers with high-performance of ARISTON.

The future in Control and Configuration technologies

The innovative Smart Building System of SALUS has been a huge attraction for the thousands of hoteliers, who watched real examples of modern Hotel Installations for centrally and remotely control of lighting, shutters, garage doors and any other electrical appliance. At the same time, a full range of devices and functions for real Energy Saving on heating and cooling costs, which represent 70% of the energy needs of a hotel, while can measure the energy consumption per device with absolute accuracy.

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Left: ASSOLO Heat Recovery Ventilation & Smart Hotel Control System by SALUS. Right: Smart Home Expert of ANDRIANOS

Heat Recovery Ventilation - Misting & Humidity Control

Last but not least, the visitors of the ANDRIANOS booth responded to the ASSOLO Heat Recovery Ventilation System for the aeration & ventilation of small and large indoor spaces, without loss of energy. It provides high Heat Recovery - 93%, totally silent operation and quick disposal of unpleasant smells. Misting systems, with their many applications achieved immediate temperature drop, protection against insects and provide exciting special effects, without the inconvenience of visitors and staff.  

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Left: ASSOLO System in exhibition facilities - Right: High Pressure Misting Pump

In a fast-growing market such as energy, ANDRIANOS has managed to create a complete product package, which fit perfectly in hotels and tourist accommodation, by reducing their operating costs significantly while achieving total thermal comfort for guests.

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Introducing all these new trends and suggestions that improve the visitor experience, make daily life easier for the staff and save money, it was a natural result that many collaborations was made within the three-day exhibition.

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With over 25 years of experience in energy saving projects in hotels and other buildings, it offers up-to-date solutions with sound technical choices and high know-how, contributing substantially to the dynamic development of the Tourism and Catering industries.


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Basic Info

ANDRIANOS - World Leading Energy Saving Technologies

Platonos 30, Kalamata 241 00

+30 2721 023124
+30 2721 088151

Fax: 2721 096522


Working hours

Monday         8AM–5PM
Tuesday         8AM–5PM
Wednesday   8AM–5PM
Thursday       8AM–5PM
Friday             8AM–5PM
Saturday        Closed
Sunday           Closed

(Time Zone: GMT+3)


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