Nature provides generously the benefits to humans, who use them to their advantage, taking care at the same time to offer, in return,a protective shield to the environment. A protective shield for the environment and the maximum benefits to Sun which gives life to humans, offer the advanced TiSUN solar systems. This is very well aware both ANDRIANOS and YDRO Corfu companies that successfully organized in the town of Corfu on 26 November 2012, in the stiflingly full hall ,a conference about "Saving energy using solar thermal systems, at hotels in Corfu."
The conferense was attended with great interest by plurality of owners and managers of Hotels & Rooms in Corfu Prefecture, since nowadays the two themes of the conference, are a magnet for entrepreneurs of the country, engaged in the hospitality industry. First, the economy, why is the main objective of the business world, and secondly, the solar thermal which particularly in the hotel industry achieves the maximum economy. YDRO Corfu company with its always valid and deeply targeted movements, invited George Ch. Adrianos, Electrical Engineer of AUTH and owner of ANDRIANOS company , one of the leading companies in the solar thermal heating and gas in our country, and exclusive representative in Greece of the leading Austrian solar systems company TiSUN, who along with Mr. Nick Prifti , a qualified electrical engineer, were the speakers at the so interesting conference .
In today's difficult times ANDRIANOS valid information about the market and investment changes. Indicative of this was the climate that prevailed at the end of the workshop, with very high interest of hoteliers in Corfu, to the point that many will soon invest in TiSUN Solar Systems .The seminar was organized by companies TiSUN Austria, ANDRIANOS and YDRO Corfu.
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