| +30 27210 23124

In many cases, it would be real convenience for our routine if we could control or program various functions of home appliances and systems remotely using only one device. At the same time, in several cases, this would provide additional security and energy-saving units in the building.

ANDRIANOS makes your life easier.


engo logo small

Now with the advanced "smart" technology products ENGO CONTROLS, you can easily manage (program or control) the infrared devices with your smart phone or tablet, from wherever you are.

For example, air conditioners, "smart" lights, televisions, fans, sound systems are just a few of these most commonly used electrical devises.

The combination of EIRTXWIFI – Wi-Fi IrDA Transmitter ENGO controls, the EGATEZB – Universal ZigBee Gateway and EDOORZB – ZigBee Door/Window Sensor can be applied in any building, but they are particularly suitable for installation and use in houses, rentals and short term rentals. The only requirement is that they have a Wi-Fi internet connection.

Total control of your electrical devices

The way is simple.

You place the EIRTXWIFI – Wi-Fi IrDA Transmitter in the desired location.

 06 EIRTXWIFI tropos leitourgias gr

You coordinate it with Wi-Fi internet.

Install the relevant app on your smart phone or tablet and add the EIRTXWIFI to the app.

That's it... From now on you're in control of your devices, wherever you are.


Remote control of air conditioner operation - Automation of air conditioner to start or stop when closing/opening a window


Ideal for a short-term rental property (Airbnb) a "smart system" ENGO CONTROLS consisting of:

1. ZigBee Door/Window Sensor-ENGO EDOORZB on your door or window.

07 EDOORZB aisthitiras portas parathirou engo controls selida


2. Universal ZigBee Gateway-EGATEZB and

05 EGATEZB pili diadiktiou zigbee engo controls selida


3. Wi-Fi IrDA Transmitter (IrDA)-EIRTXWiFi

06 EIRTXWIFI tilexiristirio iperithron engo controls selida


the above devices can be scheduled so when the doors or windows are open, the air conditioner that may have been left on is automatically switched off (a frequent occurrence, especially when the tenant leaves the residence). In this way, you achieve the highest economy and enjoy safety for the operation of your residence.

ANDRIANOS is an official representative of ENGO Controls Poland.


ENGO Controls designs heating control and smart home products that are easy to use, have all possible improvements and whose functions are useful in daily life. A big advantage of the smart building system, ENGO Smart, is its compatibility with the international Tuya Smart platform for controlling smart home appliances.


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Basic Info

ANDRIANOS - World Leading Energy Saving Technologies

Platonos 30, Kalamata 241 00

+30 2721 023124
+30 2721 088151

Fax: 2721 096522


Working hours

Monday         8AM–5PM
Tuesday         8AM–5PM
Wednesday   8AM–5PM
Thursday       8AM–5PM
Friday             8AM–5PM
Saturday        Closed
Sunday           Closed

(Time Zone: GMT+3)


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